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March 2016

In flame over you play as a fireman who goes down a building floor by floor putting out fires and saving civilians (and cats).  You have a water tank/hose and fire extinguisher at your disposal.  The general feel of the game is lighthearted and fun, but the gameplay is actually fairly challenging.  If there are electronics in a room then pouring water on those fires won't work - you have to use the extinguisher.  However, you can only use the extinguisher for a very short time before needing to recharge it.  And electrical fires tend to shoot out sparks and flames which re-ignite other objects in the room.


There's a timer so the gameplay is pressured.  If you find and rescue civilians (by bringing them to the exit), then you get another minute added to the clock.  You are able to plan a little bit by pausing the game and looking at a map of the current floor.  I really struggled to get far in this game until I developed a good strategy: as soon as I got to a new floor, I checked the map and went right to the electrical main shut off switch.  This ensured that there would be no electrical fires and thus my hose was sufficient to put out all fires on the floor.  If I didn't do this, it just took way too long to get through a floor.  That said, after doing this the game itself became fairly bland.  There are permanent upgrades you can purchase, but you'd either need to spend real money to get them or play the game for an absurd amount of time (pretty much par for the course for free games these days.  Sigh.).  Overall I thought the game was good for a short bout of fun, but I don't think it's a game that has a sustained entertainment value.

Flame Over

Flame Over  PlayStation Vita

The title screen. He needs a smaller hat. Or maybe the artist can't draw eyes?

Flame Over  PlayStation Vita

The building's on fire! And there's your story.

Flame Over  PlayStation Vita

It's a top-down game so you can get a good view of each room.

Flame Over  PlayStation Vita

8 seconds left. Things do not look good for our eyeless hero. . .

Flame Over  PlayStation Vita

You have a heat meter at the bottom that shows up when you're around fire. If it fills up then you lose a heart, and you start with 3 hearts. You can gain a heart if you save a cat. Video game logic at its finest.

Flame Over  PlayStation Vita

These three civilians and the cat are following me to the exit. Looks like I got them before their health got too low.

Flame Over  PlayStation Vita

You get money for each flame you extinguish. Just like real life!

Flame Over  PlayStation Vita

My best run by far.

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