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October 2016

Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Devastation was made by Platinum Games, which also made Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, and (my personal favorite of theirs) Vanquish.  They are known for making very well executed third person melee action games, and this game fits right in with their pedigree. You play as various transformers in a semi (hur hur) open-world game.  It's fairly short - I think I beat it in six hours - but it's so rare to have a competent game based off of a movie or TV show that fans will likely love it all the same.  


Like most of Platinum's games, there is a combo system for melee combat as well as a few projectile moves.  You gradually progress and can unlock more moves and abilities as time goes on, and you receive a letter grade for each segment of the game. It's standard fare for a Platinum game, but for Transformers fans that's probably good enough. I myself didn't watch the show as a kid and don't like the Michael Bay movies, so most of what was going on was lost on me. However, I've heard that the game is great fan service to those who liked the cartoon show.

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I'm pretty sure this is a bad guy.

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I'm pretty sure this is another bad guy.

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Optimus Prime and his gang are once again saving humanity's collective butts.

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I ended up playing most of the game as Bumble Bee because he is fast. Each transformer can transform into their vehicle both to get around the map and during combat.

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After each battle you will get graded. A blessing and a curse.

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As you can see the game has quite vibrant colors.

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I believe kids these days are using the term squad?

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Apparently some transformers turn into jets?

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I'm pretty sure this is another bad guy. There are lots of bad guys.

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The title screen.

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