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April 2016

Spelunker World

Spelunker World is a free-to-play game on PS4 trying to capitalize on the success of Spelunky.  I'll cut right to the chase - Spelunker World is not a good game.  I'd be amazed if you like it.  Write a comment below if you like it because I'd seriously be interested in why.  The controls are awful and you die for the smallest reasons.  If you fall more than like three feet you'll die.  If you don't jump from just the right spot to grab a rope you'll die.  And you get a few lives before the game says "Hey, give us some real life money if you want to keep playing!" I'm okay with free-to-play games, but this is just garbage.  It is so obviously difficult only to get more money out of you, not because it's challenging.  It's not challenging to jump over a gap perfectly - it's just annoying. Now I admit that I haven't played the game in multiplayer, but I seriously doubt that would improve the experience much.

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Here's your little guy, just trucking along like he's in a kids cartoon.

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Ooo, WAY too far to fall!

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As an example of how anal this game is, you see those platforms to the right? If you were to just fall of the second from the top platform, you would die. You need to go back and forth. Why?!

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Completing five levels is more time than this game deserves.

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Yes, unfortunate indeed!

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There is an upgrade system, which is a good idea.

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It's hard to describe, but you have to jump at just the right spot to grab that vine. Otherwise you'll jump too short or too long to grab it. You can't just grab it at any point in the animation.

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A lot of the gameplay is "go over here to get this key to open the door." Repeat x500.

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Sweet wig?

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You know, if you can't survive that short of a fall then you shouldn't be a spelunker.

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You pretty much die in one hit, so I'm not sure what a better fire hat is going to do.

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A key! Get it!! Just because!!!

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Oh, the tedium. Get all of these keys to progress through these doors. Ugh.

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I played this level because there is a trophy for beating it. Then I uninstalled the game.

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