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February 2016

Nova-111 is a turn-based strategy game where you play as the pilot of a quirky ship and try to avoid things such as giant birds.  Since you can take your time to strategize between each move, the game asks a lot from you early on.  If you try to just zip through a level then you will probably be smitten by a space peacock.  Incidentally, the game is aware it's zany and it's actually pretty funny.


Though the game appears well designed and well made, the gameplay really isn't my preference so I didn't play it for long.  If you like strategy or puzzle games, though, there might be a lot here to like!


Nova 1-1-1  PlayStation Vita

Rocks are the worst.

Nova 1-1-1  PlayStation Vita

Your health is in the bottom left, and your ship is in the center, perhaps facing off against a beak attached to a bird.

Nova 1-1-1  PlayStation Vita

You gain abilities throughout the game to increase your arsenal, but this also increases the difficulty.

Nova 1-1-1  PlayStation Vita

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